Reasons to Renovate Your Laundry Room

The laundry room is usually delegated to a small space of the house that is usually damp and mouldy. But this is a room that we use at least once a week and you need to think about how you can increase the functionality of the room. Many times, it is given the least priority when it comes to renovations.

When you are carrying out a kitchen renovation, you can also look at how laundry renovations can increase your home value and make your day to day work easier. While you may think that the laundry room serves only one purpose, which is washing, you may be wrong. This can be a multipurpose space if planned out correctly. Especially in small houses where space is a valuable commodity, streamlining the laundry room can bring a great value addition. Laundry rooms are generally damp and therefore, if you are doing any structural changes, it is best to proceed with a skilled plumber. The renovation company that you are working with will deal with the technicalities and ensure safety throughout the process.

If you are working with an outdated washer or dryer, unbeknownst to you, these machinery will be using up more electricity and costing you more money on the utility bill. You need to look at how you can install more energy efficient appliances that will save you money in the long term. The type of washing machine you buy is also a concern. Especially for smaller spaces, it is best to go with a front loading washing machine so that you can install shelves overhead and increase storage solutions. In a narrow room where you can’t open the door of the machine room, it is best to go for a top loading. Shelving and storage is another aspect you need to think about. You need to store dishwashing liquid, hang clothes to dry and make space for an ironing board. In cramped spaces, you can look for folding ironing board options as well.

If the storage solutions that are currently available are worn out, you can go for contemporary designs and classic shelving designs. The way you combine colours and textures can actually give a larger impression of the space. If you have pets or children, it is best to keep cleaning products in hard to reach spaces. So you can look into shelving in higher areas. The floor is another area that you can focus on. Because of the damp nature of laundry rooms, you need to go for a material that can withstand that and find a material that is easy to clean. Make sure that you look into how the ventilation of the room can be managed. You can check whether window space can be increased for a larger window to be installed. By increasing the light and air coming into the room, you can dry clothes within the space as well. If it is a very narrow space, you can look at how you can install an exhaust fan for mechanical ventilation.




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